Suburban Pastics - Plastic Injection Molding Since 1946
Thermosets, Thermoplastics, and Engineered Composites Thermo | Thermoset Plastic | Elastomers Thermoplastic Injection Molding Suburban Plastics Tooling Capabilities Suburban Plastics Company Quality System Rust and Corrosion Resistant Contact Suburban Plastics in Northern Illinois and Mississippi

About Us

Plastics offer a great deal of advantages over metal applications.

Increased product life
Rust and corrosion can decrease a metal products life but plastic applications are rust resistant.

Greater product strength
Because of welding and inserting fasteners into the part, metal can actually lose some strength.  Plastic on the other hand can have all these pieces inserted during the molding process so that the part is solid.  This creates a much stronger application.  Also the materials used in the molding process can be stronger by themselves.

Eliminate Secondary Operations
Polishing, sanding, painting, coating, and inserting fasteners all become a thing of the past.  The material can be made to specs for any application. 

Decrease piece part price

Lighter Applications  

Lighter, stronger, durable, equals COST EFFECTIVE